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A reference to the study of rock minerals in regard to the importance in farming and horticulture, especially with regards to soil fertility and fertilizer components.
Additional details regarding agrogeological fertilization
By adding rock dust as a complete plant fertilizer along with plant matter, the soil may be much healthier.
- Rock dusts contain most of the nutrients essential for growth except for nitrogen and phosphorous.
- The release of nutrients is directly related to weathering, therefore their beneficial effect could last for many years before needing replacement, and even longer if used in conjunction with sustainable farming techniques.
- The problem of nutrient leaching is minimized as plants take up the nutrients at the same rate as they are being released, and there is also a minimal problem with toxicity from an oversupply of nutrients.
- Some dusts raise pH, countering the effects of soil acidity often found in certain soils.
If the soil is healthier then the plants will be healthier. Mixed rock dust can provide a full spectrum of minerals to the soil and this improves cellular structure, which could explain why rock dusted plants are more resistant to insect attacks and diseases.
It has been noted that the use of rock dust can reduce (or even replace) fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides and herbicides.